The Whole30

Hello Everyone!

I have embarked on a journey to do the Whole30. Right now I’m on Day 4 and let me tell you what, it’s a lot harder than I anticipated. The first day or so I was like, “This is easy, why does everyone think this is so hard? All of this food is delicious!” But alas, here I am, Day 4 and wishing I could eat some cupcakes or ice cream. I don’t even normally crave those things either, but today, I am.

All I want to do is go to the candy aisle at the grocery store and get all of the Little Debbie’s products and binge eat them all forever.11412308_972003589511780_6137330875711006150_n But I deserve better than that, so instead I cry a little while eating my jerky bacon and drinking my unsweetened tea.

A few days ago I woke up sick of failing, failing weight loss, business, life in general. I was fed up with failing, so I decided I wasn’t going to fail anymore. The only reason I fail is because of my own self, so activate will-power, I’m completing this Whole30 and I will be proud of myself at the end and I will be happy with how I feel, look and all I have achieved within that time.

Spring and Summer are always extremely busy for us, I almost feel like I’m never home, ever. Which makes it even more of a challenge to stick to my Whole30 eating, because I have to really plan and be mindful of every single thing I eat. I cant just roll up to a fast food place, stare at a menu for a minute and pick something fried and greasy and be done.

So is it a challenge? Yes. Am I worth it? Yes.

Have you done the Whole30? What was your experience like? Leave a comment and let me know!
