Makeup Review Porefessional Vs. Maybelline Baby Skin




Makeup Review Porfessional vs. Maybelline Baby Skin!
Porefessional has a slight tan tint, though it is not noticeable once applied. It is more of a creamy consistency.
Baby Skin is clear and more of a gel consistency.

When applied both leave skin feeling soft, silky, and mattified.


$30 for 0.75oz

Baby Skin Pore Eraser
$5.95 for 0.67oz

Overall they both did their job, they made pores less visible. The pores didn’t disappear and leave me with flawlessly smooth skin, but it did minimize them. With Baby Skin I found that due to the gel like consistency I used less of the product than I did with Porefessional. Porefessional did a slightly better overall job, which I am guessing is due to it being slightly tinted, though in pictures you really can’t tell a difference at all.

Tips for applying it: Use a makeup applicator sponge, put a little on there and then roll over skin (or pat), do not streak in. This will give you better overall coverage.

Is Porefessional worth the $24 extra that it costs? In my opinion, no.

Have you tried them? What do you think?


Love makeup? I do!

Alright, so I LOVE makeup, it’s SO much fun!! You can go for a more natural subtle look and enhance your already gorgeous features, or go for something crazy fun and out there!

If you love to play with makeup, then you should join MY team!! I LOVE this business, I get to have fun every single day and wear gorgeous makeup and share it with you!Β  This gig is SO cheap to sign up for, only $99 and that is IT forever! It’s super awesome. Plus when you sign up you get $400 worth of makeup (including a set of brushes!) at no additional cost, how cool is that?!! I mean really, even if you just got it for the makeup that is still an AWESOME deal!
Seriously sign up now! You’ll have tons of fun!


Here’s what you get in your presenter’s kit when you sign up:

  • All 15 Shimmer Pigment Testers
  • All 15 Matte Pigment Testers
  • All 6 Concealer Testers
  • All 5 Blusher Testers
  • 3D Fiber Lashes
  • Eye Brush Set
  • Free business website!
  • White Status Charm
  • Instant Access to the Younique Virtual Party Systemβ„’. Start hosting parties immediately!
  • Presenter’s Guide
  • $25 USD/$30 CAN in Younique Cash on your Birthday annually!
  • PayQuicker Younique bank account
  • All of this comes in our signature black faux leather, embossed Younique case

Younique makeup kit


We will make an awesome team and I willΒ  be there to help you if you need anything!


Loki Inspired Makeup

So today I did some Loki inspired makeup, just for fun! My 4 year old (almost 5 year old) daughter took the pictures for me, thus why they are a tad blurry, but she still did a good job. Obviously the Loki picture is not one that we took (though I wish we had, who doesn’t love Tom Hiddleston afterall? πŸ˜‰ )

Loki Makeup


I used mostly Younique products for the look πŸ™‚ I used a wet brush and made sort of a ‘cream’ out of the pigments and dabbed them on (did not sweep). I used Rimmel gel eyeliner for the black to get the lines more perfected. You can get all of them here;





Makeup Look of the Day

makeup of the day


I LOVE Younique makeup! It’s all natural, no harsh chemicals, no crap, just pure ingredients. The 3D Mascara is awesome as well (I’m wearing it in the picture). I have sensitive skin/eyes and I haven’t been able to wear mascara in forever because about an hour in my skin will start itching and my eyes will start watering until it all comes off. But with the Younique 3D mascara I was able to wear it for 12 hours with no problems at all! It’s fantastic. I feel like I can finally look good again haha.

I got everything from here , check it out! πŸ™‚


Highlighting and Contouring

Everyone kept asking me how I highlight and contour my face, I know the video quality isn’t that great, so you can’t see a huge final result, but it’s more of the process and what you do so that you can get the hang of doing it yourself πŸ™‚

Thanks for watching! πŸ˜€

Join me on facebook! or follow me on twitter


A personal post

I don’t often make personal posts, I’m not one who shares much of my own life with other people and I have a hard time asking for help, ever, but I thought “It doesn’t hurt to ask.”

Almost 7 years ago I married my best friend, he’s pretty awesome.

I was his orientation leader at college, I was the person who was supposed to introduce him to the campus, campus activities, help him create relationships with other people. Haha I never planned for one of those relationships to be with me! I had an instant attraction to him, I couldn’t explain it. There was some sort of magnetic pull we had to each other. When I first saw him, the first time EVER, my first thought was “I’m going to marry him.” My second thought was “that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever thought! I don’t even know who that guy is!” he was quiet, labeled as emo. Long dark hair in the eyes, thick rimmed glasses, black t-shirt, definitely not the kind of guy I ever found attractive before, but he was certainly attractive to me.

There was one time we were sitting in a car, the first week we met. I had a cheapo kodak easyshare camera and was taking ridiculous pictures. I came home uploaded them to my computer and saw this picture, 1402021_643369792375163_970482937_o

I remember thinking “No one has ever looked at me like that before.” (he still looks at me like that πŸ™‚ )

We got married at 18 and 20 years old, after 11 months of knowing each other and only 7 months after our first date. Our wedding day was a disaster. If you could think of it going wrong, it probably did. We had people in our bridal party who were rushed to the ER in the middle of the service, the AC in the church was broken and none of the windows opened and it was 90+ degrees outside, it was basically like a sauna. I tripped down the aisle, the DJ never showed up, our photographer only had low-resolution images that were unable to be printed due to computer issues, we were happy to be done with the day and be able to call each other husband and wife. We went on our honeymoon a few hours away from home, in a cute little bed and breakfast, but on day 2 of our honeymoon I got food poisoning and the rest of our trip was spent in bed – and not in the good way.

7 years later we have triumphed through struggles, we have a beautiful (almost) 5 year old daughter whom we love very much. The last few years have been difficult because we have been trying to add a second child to our family and we have lost 4 through miscarriages along the way. After our most recent miscarriage (which happened this month), I was told that my levels were just too low to treat, even medically speaking if they were to give me shots and medicines for what I needed it might not be worth it but could cost up to $15,000. So we’ve decided to adopt! This is a decision that both of us are excitedly looking forward to and we are saving our pennies to bring a little sweetheart into our home. Because of what we’ve gone through in the last 7 years and how hard my husband works for our family,Β  I really wanted to surprise him for our 7th anniversary (we were married on 07-07-07) and be able to take the honeymoon we never had.Β  I need some help though, without support from others this dream I have will never come true, your support helps make our dreams come true! If you could take a look at the GoFundMe page I set up and if you could donate anything I would REALLY super appreciate it! A lot! Thank you so much for reading this and if you aren’t able to help I totally understand and don’t take offense at all. It’s just a dream I am hoping comes true!

Here’s the gofundme page :

Low Impact Home Workouts

Here are some low impact home workouts!

I’m just a regular person, who does regular workouts. I don’t have time for Biggest Loser style 8 hour a day workouts and sometimes I can’t get to the gym because the roads are so bad from ice and snow we’re just trapped inside (like today). So, in times like those YouTube is a great resource to find some exercises to do. Because I have knee issues I tend to stick with lower impact workouts so that I don’t cause any injury to myself and here are a couple that I am going to be doing today!

Friend me on facebook!



I’m not a doctor! Always make sure you ask a doctor before you begin any exercise routine.

3 Weight Lifting Tips For Beginners

3 Weight lifting tips for beginners.

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Flikr: apfelfred

Tip #1 Learn Proper Form

This is so very very important. If you are doing your exercises incorrectly you are not only not getting the benefits of the exercise, but you could potentially injure yourself. Sometimes severely. I’ve known people who have busted leg muscles or crushed discs in their back from doing things wrong. There are a lot of places you can learn about proper form, and there are professional trainers on YouTube, or better yet get your own personal trainer to show you how to do proper form. It’s vital.

Tip #2 Be consistent

I know this one seems pretty obvious, but it needs to be said. If you’re consistent you will get amazing results in a shorter time than you would imagine. If you’re not consistent then you’re not doing yourself any favors really. Consistency is key to success in anything. Make it like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, make it a part of your daily routine and you’ll be on your way to amazing results.


Tip #3 Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps of whatever weight you are using, taking a 60 second break in between reps. If you can lift more than that, you are lifting too light. If you can’t lift the weights for that many reps then you are lifting too heavy. Every week increase your weight load.



My Simplified Plan for Losing Weight

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Photo by: Steve Johnson

So it’s the middle of January, are you still following through with your New Years Resolutions? Did you even make them? Maybe you’re like a lot of people and you make them, but you don’t share them with anyone.

I wanted to come up with a simplified way to lose weight. The more simplified something it is, the easier success will be with it. If you ask anyone, weight loss is 90% what you eat and 10% exercise (some people say 80/20, but you get the idea). So if the most important thing is what you eat, then I need to focus on eating healthier foods and make it a habit.

I’ve started with breakfast, I have eggs and bacon every single day. It’s 140 calories and fills me up with protein. For added health benefits I mix in some ground flax and turmeric in with the egg (both of those things have anti-cancer properties!)

Now that eating eggs and bacon for breakfast is a habit, this week I’m going to focus on lunch. I think that I will switch between tuna salad and protein shakes. I could probably eat tuna every day because I like it, but it’s really only safe to eat it 3x a week because of the mercury content.

For dinner we usually have protein and vegetables, but I saw this super disgusting article on how the FDA now approves diseased meat that has pus coming out of it and cancerous tumors, so I think for now I will be going mostly vegetarian until I can get some grass fed beef from a local farmer. (PS another good place to order meat from is Tropical Traditions).

Once these become habits, it means my calories will be under control and I can start switching things up a bit here and there. You can create your own simplified diet based on the foods that you like, have protein and veggies for the first few weeks and then you can start adding in some carbs, I plan to break up breakfasts with some oatmeal on occasion.


So that is my simplified plan, I’ll let you know how it works out! I will be documenting myself for 100 days and post the results when I’m done πŸ™‚



A little break!

Hey everyone,

I had taken a little break for the holidays and other personal reasons, but I will be back to posting in the next few days and hope to help you with your weight loss goals! I have gone from a size 26 down to a 16 in the last year and am super excited to reach my goal size of a 10/12 in the next few months! I have a simple plan that I will be sticking to and I will share it with you in my next post πŸ™‚


Thanks for being patient and sticking in there with me!

